Recommendations for a first-year student on adaptation



    The process of adapting a first-year student to the new conditions of student life is called adaptation.
Physiological adaptation involves the adaptation of a student to changed conditions (transition from a familiar school environment to college). The adaptation of students is due to the following difficulties:
changing the usual rhythm of life;
lack of time for self-preparation;
demanding teachers;
overloads of educational activities, etc.
    Adaptation will be successful if you are an optimist (you have an active lifestyle, have a sense of humor; you find time for proper nutrition, sleep, physical education; you are an active participant in adaptation activities). Already in the first days of college life, you will get acquainted with the peculiarities
of the educational process in our institution. The homeroom teacher of the group or fellow undergraduates will be of great help to you in this.
    Professional adaptation is an adaptation to the nature, content, conditions and organization of the educational process, the development of skills of independence in educational and scientific work. In college, as in school, it is necessary to systematically attend training sessions. Your attendance and academic performance are mainly the focus of the class leader of the group, who will inform parents about your progress. Your conversations with the class leader of the group and a meeting with teachers will help you determine the degree of specificity and nature of the profession you are getting. You will also be able to realize the correctness of choosing an educational institution and profession. Your task and the task of the curator is to form motivations for self-education, to provide the necessary assistance.
    The level of your adaptation and satisfaction with it will have an impact on the main professional qualities. The task of professional adaptation is to ensure that you have a constant desire to improve your activities.
    Socio-psychological adaptation is a complex, multi–level process of interaction between you and the environment.     Socio-psychological adaptation implies both the assimilation of certain social norms and rules by you, as well as the formation of personal qualities and values conditioned by a new social situation.
    There are many methods for this (dating passport, "Snowball", "Name – quality", "I can't" and others).     The most accessible form of getting to know each other is a conversation conducted by your mentor, or an "Acquaintance" training
a teacher-psychologist, during which you could get to know each other in a lively and relaxed way, establish communication.
    Conducting conversations and training sessions in a group under the guidance of a psychologist will reduce the level of anxiety that occurs in most first-year students in the first months of adaptation and will help you develop communication abilities and skills, expand the range of psychological knowledge and ideas. The curator of the group will pay attention to issues of interaction with fellow students, with teachers and your personal problems.
    Thus, your adaptation to college life based on the consistent and correct use of this material will be successful.
    Recommendations for college students on adaptation
1. Follow the daily routine.
2. Follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle.
3. Plan your own activities.
4. Devote more time to self-study, for you this is the key to successful continuing education.
5. Follow the culture of speech, practice conflict-free communication.
6. Overcome the difficulties that arise, do not be afraid of obstacles.
7. Do your favorite things, sports, hobbies, this will help you develop your creative potential and give you the opportunity to switch from leading (educational) activities for a while and help relieve emotional stress.
8. Be patient.
9. Think positively. Find the good sides in every situation.
10. Try not to feel sorry for yourself.
11. Rely on spiritual values.


How do I prepare for the session?

    It is she who drives the successful completion of the session. The stronger the motivation, the easier the preparation process itself.     Moreover, the motivation can be absolutely any. But as a rule, it is:

  • not to be expelled from college;

  • Don't go to the army ahead of time;

  • get a scholarship;

  • get approval and encouragement from parents (both verbal and material).

    In the event that such motivations do not suit you, then come up with a reward for yourself.

    Time is playing a cruel joke on us. It seems that it drags on from day to day, but at important moments in life it flies through your fingers. Make a plan in advance to prepare for tests and exams, determining how much time you will devote. Do not deviate from the planned plan. And in any case, do not postpone things to the next day.

    In order not to go to a neurologist or psychiatrist ahead of time, keep an eye on your condition. Take time not only to study, but also to relax. Remember that a good night's sleep, a healthy diet and an active lifestyle will help you always stay in good shape. In any case, do not study the material at night. This is the time for sleep, during which the body must recover. Night study turns into migraines, dizziness, nausea and loss of concentration. In this state, it will be impossible to remember the material.
    Don't be dramatic in any way. A session is a standard stage in every student's life that everyone goes through. Do not exaggerate the magnitude of the tasks facing you. All of them are real and anyone can do them, just try a little    .