Recommendations to teachers on the adaptation of 1st year college students


  1. To create an adequate understanding of the chosen profession among students, awareness of the social significance of the profession and the formation of a positive attitude towards it.

  2. In the first classes, to familiarize students with the college education system and the requirements for the level of knowledge, the specifics of education, its differences from school, to bring to each student the concept of discipline.

  3. To convince students to start life "from scratch", "find their place in the sun", to gain the authority and respect of freshmen.

  4. Having studied the student according to the documents, find a responsible occupation for each student, where his abilities will be revealed and which he will perform with pleasure.

  5. For successful adaptation, try to provide an opportunity for students to take a worthy place in the team (through assignments, encouraging the slightest success, searching and developing abilities). Show and confirm your trust in the student by entrusting a responsible assignment or performance on behalf of the team.

  6. To identify students in need of psychological help, to bring to the attention of a psychologist, together with a psychologist to make a plan for individual consultations.

  7. To familiarize students with Memos for first-year students (on doing independent work, how to listen and write lectures, etc.).

  8. To involve students in the social life of the college, in the work on self-government.

  9. To carry out joint activities in the group outside of school hours, aimed at uniting the group, creating a comfortable psychological environment in the student body and thus facilitating the process of adaptation of students to new social conditions for them.

  10. Pay attention to conversations about morality, self-education, organization of the daily routine, and disease prevention.

  11. Take into account the individual approach to the student during the survey, taking into account psychological and age characteristics.

  12. Do not compare students with each other, praise them for their successes and achievements. The approach to analyzing student behavior should not be evaluative in nature, it is necessary to find positive and negative aspects of actions and offer alternative ways of behavior.

  13. Use ways to influence the student's motivational sphere: problem-based learning (introspection will show the student the effectiveness of his activities and help him independently identify his strengths and weaknesses in the subject).