College Administration


Temirbulatova Alma Askhatovna

Muftalova Akku Kusayynovna

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

Zhaubaev Zhanbol Karymsakovich

Deputy Director of Educational Work

Kozybagarov Amangeldy Ibadullayevich

Deputy Director of Information Technology

Mukhametchin Ernar Bulatovich

Deputy Director of educational and production work

Telenkov Sergey Andreevich

Deputy Director of Professional Training

Kunedilova Akmaral Darigulovna

Head of the Kazakh department

Rudnevskaya Natalia Borisovna

Head foreign and school Russian department

Rymbekov Kuanysh Sattarovich

Head of the physical education department

Dubrovskaya Olga Taukelevna

Head of the technological department

Kozlova Elena Oskarovna

college psychologist

Kashina Elena Alexandrovna

The Methodologist

Suleimenova Aimagul Zhastlekovna

Head of the library

Omarova Kulyandam Abzhanovna

Head of the hostel

Uzbekova Elvira Flurovna

General accountant

Khairullin Iran Mayrbekovich

Chairman of the Trade Union Committee