The history of the College Library



"...the library is a sacred place
of knowledge and human morality,
and librarians are the keepers of these values." A.


In the early 1980s, the library's collection reached up to 73 thousand copies of books, but unfortunately in the 90s of the last century, great difficulties arose in the formation of the fund due to the economic and political events that took place in the country.
    The establishment of the library was not easy. But it was in those years that the best features of today's team were laid - love and dedication to the profession, the ability to self-educate, sociability.
The library staff studied the demand of readers for literature, the fund was competently completed; subscription to periodicals was carried out annually, the struggle for the safety of the book fund was conducted, the work was carefully planned.

In different years, the work of the library was supervised:

  • Mander N.A./before1952/,

  • Kiseleva Lidiya Antonovna 1952-1956 .

  • Dmitry Semyonovich Nesterov 1956-1963

  • Ivanova Galina Stepanovna 1963-1986 G.G.

  • Truth Gulzhakhan Nurmaganovna 1986- 2012

Each of those who worked in the library as heads, librarians made a great contribution to the development and establishment of the college library. Without talent, without knowledge of librarianship, without their painstaking work, without love for their native educational institution, everything that our library has could not be achieved.                                                                                                                 
    Today, the library is the most important structural unit of the college, providing literature and information to the educational process, as well as a center for the dissemination of knowledge, spiritual and intellectual communication.
    The purpose of the library process is to maximize the satisfaction of information requests from students and teachers. Reader service is the main activity of the library. The work of the college library takes into account general library norms and rules, is guided by the requirements of the educational process of the college.

Library Tasks

1. To have a fund capable of promptly and maximally ensuring the main mass demand for documents in order to meet educational , cultural , and information requests.
    2.Full operational library and information and bibliographic services for students , teachers , staff, established in the rules of use of the library, in accordance with the information needs of readers.
    3.Formation of library and information culture skills among readers, training in information retrieval methods, instilling the needs for systematic reading

The library provides full and prompt library and information and bibliographic services to students, teachers and staff of the college in accordance with information requests based on wide access to the library's collections and reference and search apparatus.
    The library retains the status of an educational, intellectual, informational, and cultural center of the college.