LINGUALAND Language Camp for schoolchildren is a language platform for the development of successful future teachers and increasing motivation to learn English

    Venue: the foreign building of the Saransk Higher Humanitarian and Technical College named after Abai Kunanbayev, equipped with everything necessary for conducting classes, with a large playground behind, for organizing outdoor activities.
    Target audience: students in grades 1-9.
    Staffing of the program:

  • camp coordinator,

  • counselors (2 people per unit consisting of 20 people),

  • teacher-psychologist,

  • nurse.

    Social partners:

  • educational organizations of the city,

  • house of culture,

  • city library,

  • institutions of additional education,

  • sports school,

  • local media.

    Season duration: 10 days
    Relevance: the organization of summer holidays for children with the development of linguistic skills and the use of health-saving technologies is in demand in modern society, since knowledge of foreign languages is one of the priorities of the state, and a healthy nation is its solid foundation; the project allows you to combine three areas: educational, recreational and leisure activities.

  • educational activities;

  • creative and educational activities;

  • physical education and recreation activities.

    Methodological basis: suggestopedia (a pedagogical system of teaching techniques and methods that create the most favorable conditions for accelerated learning of educational material) by Bulgarian teacher and psychologist Georgy Lozanov; activity approach – formation of the child's position as a subject of cognition and communication; the principle of humanistic orientation – a strategy of interaction with a person and a team based on humane relations; multiethnic, multicultural The approach is the development of multicultural education and interethnic tolerance in human upbringing.

    Purpose: to create conditions for the disclosure and development of language abilities of students through immersion in an artificially created language environment, to form motivation for their further mastery of a foreign language and their acquisition of new social skills.

  • dissemination and popularization of the English language, development of interest in the language;

  • the introduction of innovative search and local history components, forms and methods of spiritual, moral and patriotic education of participants;

  • improving knowledge, skills, and skills acquired in foreign language lessons;

  • assimilation of all types of speech activity during various events in a foreign language: contests, thematic games, sports competitions, creative laboratories;

  • improving social competencies, as well as developing the 4K model – the ability to work in a team, communicate correctly, think creatively and critically;

  • organization of creative development of children through individual and group activities;

  • formation of national identity based on tolerance and humanism;

  • strengthening the physical health of children;

  • involvement of 3rd year students studying in the specialty "Teacher of a foreign language" in teaching activities, through their participation in the camp as counselors, as part of an internship.

    Forms of work:

  • educational classes,

  • creative workshops,

  • sports activities and competitions,

  •  quests,

  • excursions,

  • outdoor walks,

  • collective creative activities,

  • games.

    Methods of work:

  • verbal,

  • visual,

  • demonstrative,

  • practical,

  • cognitive activity (problem-based, research).

     Material and technical support: information and communication technologies, Internet resources, methodological manuals and recommendations on the organization and operation of the linguistic camp, teaching aids (author's educational tablets and toys, modular game, workbook, dictionary simulator for children and parents), sports equipment, handouts, board games.


Daily routine


Meeting of children


Organizational moment (feature of the day)


Morning exercises


Time for English (classes, games, videos)




Creative activities


Summing up the results of the day


Returning home