Kaleidoscope of events


educational and mass work of the college library
on the implementation of the Reading College project

    Regional scientific and practical conference of college librarians of Karaganda region on the topic "Mass work in the college library: relevance, problems, prospects" Within the framework of the V regional scientific and practical conference: "Problems and prospects of modeling the result-oriented educational space" was held on the basis of the Saran Higher College of Humanities and Technology named afterAbaya Kunanbayeva

    Regional scientific and practical conference of college librarians of Karaganda region on the topic "Mass work in the college library: relevance, problems, prospects" Within the framework of the V regional scientific and practical conference: "Problems and prospects of modeling the result-oriented educational space" was held on the basis of the Saran Higher College of Humanities and Technology named afterAbaya Kunanbayeva

    Regional scientific and practical conference of college librarians of Karaganda region on the topic "Mass work in the college library: relevance, problems, prospects" Within the framework of the V regional scientific and practical conference: "Problems and prospects of modeling the result-oriented educational space" was held on the basis of the Saran Higher College of Humanities and Technology named afterAbaya Kunanbayeva

    Regional scientific and practical conference of college librarians of Karaganda region on the topic "Mass work in the college library: relevance, problems, prospects" Within the framework of the V regional scientific and practical conference: "Problems and prospects of modeling the result-oriented educational space" was held on the basis of the Saran Higher College of Humanities and Technology named afterAbaya Kunanbayeva

    Regional scientific and practical conference of college librarians of Karaganda region on the topic "Mass work in the college library: relevance, problems, prospects" Within the framework of the V regional scientific and practical conference: "Problems and prospects of modeling the result-oriented educational space" was held on the basis of the Saran Higher College of Humanities and Technology named afterAbaya Kunanbayeva

    Regional scientific and practical conference of college librarians of Karaganda region on the topic "Mass work in the college library: relevance, problems, prospects" Within the framework of the V regional scientific and practical conference: "Problems and prospects of modeling the result-oriented educational space" was held on the basis of the Saran Higher College of Humanities and Technology named afterAbaya Kunanbayeva

    Regional scientific and practical conference of college librarians of Karaganda region on the topic "Mass work in the college library: relevance, problems, prospects" Within the framework of the V regional scientific and practical conference: "Problems and prospects of modeling the result-oriented educational space" was held on the basis of the Saran Higher College of Humanities and Technology named afterAbaya Kunanbayeva

    Regional scientific and practical conference of college librarians of Karaganda region on the topic "Mass work in the college library: relevance, problems, prospects" Within the framework of the V regional scientific and practical conference: "Problems and prospects of modeling the result-oriented educational space" was held on the basis of the Saran Higher College of Humanities and Technology named afterAbaya Kunanbayeva

    Regional scientific and practical conference of college librarians of Karaganda region on the topic "Mass work in the college library: relevance, problems, prospects" Within the framework of the V regional scientific and practical conference: "Problems and prospects of modeling the result-oriented educational space" was held on the basis of the Saran Higher College of Humanities and Technology named afterAbaya Kunanbayeva

    Regional scientific and practical conference of college librarians of Karaganda region on the topic "Mass work in the college library: relevance, problems, prospects" Within the framework of the V regional scientific and practical conference: "Problems and prospects of modeling the result-oriented educational space" was held on the basis of the Saran Higher College of Humanities and Technology named afterAbaya Kunanbayeva

    Literary hour "Mukhtar Auezov - the master of the artistic word" dedicated to 125th anniversary of Mukhtar Auezov

    Literary hour "bright star of the epoch" dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursunov

    Literary hour "bright star of the epoch" dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursunov

    Library hour "Kazakh usin jean Bergen Alash kairatkerleri" dedicated to the party "Alash"

    "Within the framework of the project" "Reading College"", a BiblioTech was held on the theme ""yerlik and mahabbat zharshysy ""propaganda production of Adilkhana Nurshaikova in development" national literature, native language, history and spiritual and patriotic education of young people through the production of Truth and anyz", "love is interesting for many years"