Educational and production process

Dual training is a successful way to the workplace
    The Dual Learning System (DSE) is an educational model that combines theoretical training in educational institutions with practical training in the workplace. In this system, students spend part of their time in educational institutions, where they gain theoretical knowledge, and part of their time in companies or enterprises, where they gain practical skills and work experience in a real environment. DSO is widely used in various countries, especially in the field of vocational education and career training. This approach allows students to adapt to the labor market faster and gain the necessary skills for a successful career.
    The dual education system promotes the development of social partnership and mechanisms of interaction between the college and the employer.
    Since 2016, the Saransk Higher Humanitarian and Technical College named after Abai Kunanbayev has been successfully developing a social partnership with SKEP LLP, Kazcentrelectroprovod LLP, Altyn Arna Trading House Holding LLP, Sauir – 11 LLP, VOSKHOD LLP, Karal Plast Joint Venture LLP, LLP KamaTyresKZ, KKK Beton LLP, in the direction of the development of technical and vocational education and training of specialists within the framework of dual training.
    In accordance with the signed Memoranda on mutual cooperation in personnel training and the agreement on dual training, Saransk Higher Humanitarian and Technical College named after Abai Kunanbayev provides vocational training to students in the amount determined by the company's applications for specialties:

  • 07130700 "Maintenance, repair and operation of electromechanical equipment"

  • 07151100 "Operation and maintenance of machinery and equipment"

  • 07220700"Polymer production technology"

  • 07220500 "Tire production"

  • 07220600 "Rubber production"


Tengri Tires LLP


Head: Ustavshchikov Aleksandr Yur'yevich
Address: Karaganda region, Saran Accounting block 046, building 062


    The production capacity of the plant at the 1st stage will amount to 3.5 million/year of multi-profile tires, with subsequent increase to 9 million / year of tires: passenger and light truck tires - 3 million / year, all-metal truck tires - 500 thousand / year.
    All technological processes are implemented at the plant in a single sequential scheme – from the preparation of raw materials, preparation of rubber compounds, blanks, assembly of "green" tires to vulcanization and quality control. The unique technologies and equipment in production are characterized by a high level of automation, energy efficiency and minimal environmental impact.
    The production cycle of the tire plant includes 126 units of basic technological and 528 auxiliary equipment from the world's leading industry manufacturers.




Head: Isenov Sharip Mashrabovich
Address: Karaganda region, Zh.Kuzhanova, 4A


    SKIP company offers a wide range of spare parts for railways, processing plants, polymer, rubber products and metal structures, consumer goods, production of plastic (Polymer), rubber and metal structures.
    Skep LLP offers to supply a wide range of RTI and spare parts for rolling stock of railways of its own production.
Production and sale of rubber and metal products.
    The company produces :

  • Spare parts for railway

  • For processing plants

  • Consumer goods

  • Custom-made

  • Raw materials / rubber compounds


"Kazcentreectroprovod" LLP


Head: Sergey Nikolaevich Kim
Address: Karaganda region, Saran str.Shakhterskaya 30 A


    Kazcentrelectroprovod (KCEP) is today the leading manufacturer of optical and copper telecommunication cable in Kazakhstan. KCEP has been operating for more than 30 years and supplies products to Kazakhstani enterprises, as well as to CIS and European countries.
    The company's mission is to contribute to the development of digitalization by providing our customers with cable at the right time and at the right price. XER follows the principles of proper product quality and high level of service.


Altyn Arna Trading House Holding LLP


Head: Rinat Khairutdinovich Minkhairov
Address: Karaganda regionKaraganda, N.Tolepova str., d3, 2nd floor


    About the company: Altyn Arna Holding Company is a leading Kazakhstani manufacturer of geosynthetic materials and polyethylene products. The company's production facilities allow us to fulfill orders for a wide range of products with various technical purposes. *MGM geomembrane is a sheet polymer waterproofing material. Geomembrane made of HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE polyethylene, with the use of stabilizing additives, is a durable, elastic material resistant to aggressive chemical media and UV radiation. *Waterproofing geocomposite fabric of MGM GKO brand is a combined multifunctional material made by thermally bonding layers of geotextile and polyethylene membrane. *MGM GR geoclass is a volumetric geogrid made of polymer tapes interconnected by high-strength welds forming a cellular structure. When laying the material, a frame is formed that fixes any filler used (sand, soil, crushed stone, concrete).




Head: Boris Nikolaevich Tsoi
Address: Karaganda region, Saran industrial zone RTI, building 45


    Voskhod LLP was established as an independent enterprise in 1996, based on the production facilities of the Karaganda RTI plant
    Voskhod LLP has a full technological cycle of RTI production, starting from the preliminary preparation of raw materials and materials to the packaging of finished products.
The existing production facilities allow us to produce products in the following volumes:

  • Wedge and fan belts — 1000 thousand pieces /year;

  • Molded products — 70 tons/year;

  • Technical plate — 150 tons/year;

  • The rings themselves are 50 tons/year.

  • Non—standard products - 450 tons/year


Karal Plast LLP


Head: Valery Dmitrievich Pimokhov
Address: Karaganda region, Saran, Gorky str. 4


    Kazakh-German Joint Venture Karal Plast LLP (Karal Plast) produces and offers polyethylene pipes manufactured on 4 production lines of the German company KRAUSS-MAFFEI - LRS Planung & Technologie Gmbh in accordance with the German DIN 8074/8078 standard and requirements     Interstate GOST 18599-2001 (water supply), 50838-2011 (gas supply). Black raw materials from European manufacturers are used for the production of pipes.
The company has implemented the quality management system of ST RK ISO 9001-2001. The share of Kazakhstani content is 73.6%.


Polymet Solutions Corporation LLP (Polymet Solutions Corporation)"


Head: Kazangapova Kuandyk Orynbekovich
Address: Karaganda region, Bukhar-Zhyrau district, Doskey village, Doskey village, uch. sq. 028, building 1465



    Polymet Solutions Corporation LLP is a manufacturer of rubber, rubber–metal, steel linings made of chromium-molybdenum alloy, as well as monoblocks for mills of all sizes ranging from 1.5 meters to 12.2 meters in diameter, manufactured by: METSO-OUTOTEC, POLYSIUC-THYSSEN KRUPP, FL SMIDTH, GLENCORE, PJSC NKMZ, PJSC URALMASH, JSC TYAZHMASH for various operating conditions.
    The main direction of Polymet Solutions Corporation LLP is the production of sets of rubber, rubber-metal, steel linings made of chromium - molybdenum alloy, monoblocks, production of crude rubber and various rubber products for the markets of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, Armenia, Georgia, China, Iran, Ireland, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Ghana, Canada, USA, Mexico, Peru, Chile.




Head: Kiku Alexander Ivanovich
Address: Karaganda region, Saran Accounting block 046, building 368 



  The plant manufactures and plans to produce in the near future reinforced concrete products and structures suitable for the construction of both multi-storey residential complexes and low-rise cottage-type houses, as well as the production of modern products: double hollow walls, insulated double walls, filigree floor slabs, hollow floor slabs using the technology of formwork molding, elements of enclosing structures and others serial products. These products can be used as an overlap in monolithic and prefabricated monolithic buildings, as well as as vertical load-bearing walls and hinged enclosing structures.


KSU "Abai Comprehensive School" of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region, Department of Education of the city of Sarani


72 Zhambyl street


Students studying in the following specialties are interning at the school:

  • 4S01140101 - "Primary education teacher"

  • 5AB01140101 – "Applied Bachelor of Pedagogy and methods of primary education"

  • 4S01140601 - "Teacher of Kazakh language and literature"

  • 4S01140602 - "Teacher of Russian language and literature"

  • 4S01140605 – "Teacher of a foreign language"

  • 4S01140501 – "Teacher of physical culture"


KSU "Gymnasium School No. 17" of the Department of Education of the city of Sarani of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region


25A Abaya Street


Students studying in the following specialties are interning at the school:

  • 4S01140101 - "Primary Education Teacher"

  • 5AB01140101 – "Applied Bachelor of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education"

  • 4S01140605 – "Foreign language teacher"

  • 4S01140501 – "Physical education teacher"



KSU "Secondary school No. 6 of the Sarani Education Department of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region"


Saran, md. 1A, 26


Students studying in the following specialties are interning at the school:

  • 4S01140101 - "Primary Education Teacher"

  • 5AB01140101 – "Applied Bachelor of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education"

  • 4S01140605 – "Foreign language teacher"

  • 4S01140501 – "Physical education teacher"


Municipal state institution "Lyceum School No. 1 of the Department of Education of the city of Sarani of the Department of Education  Karaganda region"


Saran, Zhambyl str., 50


Students studying in the following specialties are interning at the school:

  • 4S01140101 - "Primary Education Teacher"

  • 5AB01140101 – "Applied Bachelor of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education"

  • 4S01140605 – "Foreign language teacher"

  • 4S01140501 – "Physical education teacher"



Municipal state-owned enterprise nursery- garden "Balgyn" of the Department of Education of the city of Sarani of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region


Karaganda region, Saran city, Abaya street, building 19
Contacts: 8(72137)50218


    Students studying in the specialty 01120100 – "Preschool education and training", qualification 4S01120102 – "Educator of the organization of preschool education and training" are interning in a preschool institution. There are types of practice provided for in the curriculum such as: "The first days of a child in kindergarten", "Activities of a kindergarten teacher", "Activities of a preschool methodologist".



Municipal state-owned enterprise nursery- "Bell" of the Department of education of the city of Sarani of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region


Karaganda region, Saran city, 59a Zhambyl Street
Contacts: 8(72137)75544


    Students studying in the specialty 01120100 – "Preschool education and training", qualification 4S01120102 – "Educator of the organization of preschool education and training" are interning in a preschool institution. There are types of practice provided for in the curriculum such as: "The first days of a child in kindergarten", "Activities of a kindergarten teacher", "Activities of a preschool methodologist"



LLP "Complex school-nursery-garden "Bakhyt"


Karaganda region, Saran city, md. Gornyak, 74
Contacts: 8(72137) 44296


    Students studying in the specialty 01120100 – "Preschool education and training", qualification 4S01120102 – "Educator of the organization of preschool education and training" are interning in a preschool institution. There are types of practice provided for in the curriculum such as: "The first days of a child in kindergarten", "Activities of a kindergarten teacher", "Activities of a preschool methodologist"



Specialized children's and youth school of the Olympic Reserve of the city of Saran


Karaganda region, Saran, Zhambyl str., 61
Contacts: 8(72137) 2-56-99


    Students studying in the specialty "01140200 – "Physical culture and sports", qualifications 4S01140501 – "Teacher of physical culture", 5AB01140201 - "Applied Bachelor of Physical Education" undergo professional practice at the sports school. As part of the social partnership, students also have the opportunity to participate in sports sections at the sports school.


Silk Road electronics

Head: Kritsky Alexander Vladimirovich
Contacts: 8(72137) 2-56-99
