If you are often invited for an interview, this is a good step towards success! This means that you were able to interest the employer and, most likely, you have a good resume. When communicating with company employees, whether they are HR managers, department heads or managers themselves, do not show uncertainty and fear. Believe me, the employer has already conducted many interviews, knows the psychology of people and will definitely feel unjustified fear and insecurity.
Be tactful, speak correctly, and use professional terms. You should also understand that your personal qualities or skills that are not relevant to your work are not so important to the employer, even if you are asked about it. Most likely, the director of the company will not be interested in the fact that you helped your grandmother cross the road yesterday, or along with accounting skills, you know how to sell goods well. It will look like this in the eyes of the employer: if you are such a good salesman, then work as a sales manager – why did you come to us for the position of accountant?