Saran Higher College of Humanities and Technology named after Abai Kunanbayev

The college library is a structural unit providing literature and information for the educational process and creating the necessary conditions for the educational activities of students and teachers.
    The library's information services are focused on improving the quality of student learning.
    The college library fund consists of publications of Kazakh and foreign literature.  The fund is updated annually in accordance with the educational programs of the college.

Operating mode


Season ticket

The reading room

















The last Thursday of the month is a sanitary day

The last Friday of the month is a sanitary day

Lunch break 13:00-14:00





  1. The rules of use of the library are a document defining the procedure for organizing reader services and access to funds, the rights and obligations of readers and the library.

  2. On a subscription, literature is issued at home for a fixed period. The last or only copy, as well as literature available in small quantities, are not subject to issuance. The period of use may be extended if there is no demand for the materials from readers, or shortened if the publications are in high demand.

  3. Admission to the library is made upon presentation of a document certifying that the reader belongs to the college: for students - a student ID card (student), for teachers, staff and other categories of readers - an identity card and one 3x4cm photo.

  4. An individual reader's form and registration card are filled in for the reader. When signing up for the library, readers get acquainted with its rules and confirm the obligation to comply with them with their signature in the reader's form.

  5. Encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries, current periodicals, rare and valuable books are issued only for work in the reading room.

  6. Books are issued and accepted strictly according to inventory numbers. For each copy of a given publication, the reader signs on a reader's or book form. Upon returning the books, the reader's signature is repaid with the librarian's signature.

  7. Upon receipt of books and other materials, readers carefully review the publications and, if any defects are found, inform the librarian about this. Otherwise, the reader who used the publication last is responsible for the damage to the books.

  8. Literature for use in group classes is issued on a subscription at the written request of the teacher and is issued in the reader's form under the receipt of the student on duty of the group. The teacher and the student on duty of the group are responsible for the literature received for group classes.

  9. Readers who did not submit books for the last academic year will not be provided with books in the new academic year until the debt is repaid.

  10. For the loss of books, other printed works and other materials from the library's collections or irreparable damage caused to them by minor readers, their parents or persons replacing them are responsible.

  11. Readers responsible for the loss or damage of publications replace them with the same publications or those recognized by the library as equivalent in content, and if it is impossible to replace them, reimburse their real market value.

  12. If the reader does not return the books within the specified period or does not replace them with books of equivalent content or recognized by the library as priority for completing the book collection, the library sends the reader a written request for the return of the book.

  13. Readers who violate the rules of use or cause damage to the library bear administrative and financial responsibility in the forms provided for by current legislation, the charter and the rules of use of the library.

  14. A personal file is issued to outgoing students only after the return of the literature taken on the library subscription and the library's mark in the bypass sheet. Retiring college staff mark their workaround sheet in the library.




  1. Literature intended for use in the reading room is not issued at home. It is strictly forbidden to take literature out of the reading room without permission, except for 5-10 minutes for photocopying and only with the permission of the librarian.

  2. Readers register in the journal of daily statistical accounting of book sales and visits of readers to the reading room.

  3. The issuance of books in the reading room is carried out according to a single student ID (student), a credit card or an identity card.

  4. The issuance of books is made out by the reader's entry in the book form of each publication and is recorded in the log of visits.

  5. It is not allowed to enter the reading rooms with personal and library books and other printed materials.

  6. The number of books, other printed works and other materials issued in the reading room is not limited. If there is a one-time increased demand, the number of copies issued may be limited.

  7. The reader must observe silence and order. In case of violation of these rules, readers are deprived of the right to use the library for a period determined by the library administration depending on the degree of violation.





  1. Users are served in the reading room mode

  2. If there are a large number of people who want to work at a computer, the time to use the equipment may be limited to 45 minutes.

  3. It is allowed to use your own audio-video media only with educational and educational materials.

  4. The work of the IRBIS electronic catalog is carried out in this way: if teachers' textbooks are available in electronic form, they are attached to the corresponding textbook in the ARM Cataloger and readers can download them for reading (on a USB stick for self-use) in the ARM Reader.

  5. There are places for independent work on the computer.

  6. Students and teachers are provided with a fund of computer programs for independent work, CD, electronic databases.

  7. The issuance of various forms of electronic media at home is not allowed.

  8. The user is provided with technical assistance and advice on the rules of working with a computer.


    Kemel Tokaev/Svetlana Smagulova -M:The Young Guard.2024.-222s.:ill.-(The lives of wonderful people:ser. biogr.; issue 1990)


     The library fund of the Saransk College of Humanities and Technology named afterAbai Kunanbayev has been updated with a book from the series "The Life of wonderful people", author Svetlana Smagulova "Kemel Tokayev".     The documentary is devoted to the biography of the famous Kazakh writer, journalist, public figure, participant of the Great Patriotic War Kemel Tokayev.

    On the basis of archival materials, publications and memoirs of contemporaries introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, the facets of the writer's creative talent are revealed, the connection of his work with modernity is shown. The book is addressed to specialists in the field of humanities, students, undergraduates and doctoral students of higher educational institutions, as well as to a wide range of readers interested in the lives of outstanding figures of Kazakhstan. We invite our readers to visit the library to get acquainted with this book.

    The novel "Rage" is the third book of the Nomads trilogy.The novel is the best work of Kazakh historical novelistics. A folk work of art that has become a phenomenon in the history of Kazakh literature, truthfully reflecting the fate of the country.

    This selected collection of the talented poet Zhumaken Nazhimedenov, who brought his own look, originality and flavor to the Kazakh sacred black poem, includes poems and sagas published during his lifetime, and a group of new works that had not been previously published

    People's Writer of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize named after Abaya Azilkhan Nurshayykov is a writer who was previously recognized as a student of kauymu with numerous collections of short stories, novellas, and the novel "Makhhabat, Kyzyl mol zhyldary
    This book entitled "Akikat and Legend" is dedicated to the sculpture of the glorious hero of the Great Patriotic War, the civil, heroic personality of the Guard Colonel Baurzhan Momyshuly.