Library staff

Suleimenova Aimagul Zhastlekovna  


Current position: Head of the library          
Education: higher education. Karaganda State University named after E.Buketov, specialty "History, economics, fundamentals of law"           
Qualification category: the highest category
Work experience: 28 years


Zhayaubaeva Lyazzat Dumanovna


Current position: librarian of the reading room
Education: Karaganda university "Bolashak" specialty in "Pedagogy , psychology"
Qualification category:  without a category
Work experience: 8 years



Konurova Gulnur Kairzhanovna


Current position: Subscription librarian
Education: Karaganda College of Arts named afterTattimbeta majoring in Library Science
Qualification category: without category
Work experience: 2 years
