Composition of the Parliament

Manash Alisher Yerbolatovich

Education: higher education
Position: teacher of physical education and physical education.
Email address:
Position: Not a step back, not a step in place, but only forward and only all together.


Orazhanuly Serikball
The President of the Student Parliament is Zhiger

A 4th year student of the IET 9-20 group.
Purpose: to create conditions for successful socialization and effective self-realization of young people, as well as the possibility of self-solution of emerging problems by students.

  • realization of creative activity and amateur activity of students;

  • assistance in protecting the rights and interests of students, including in solving educational, social and other issues affecting their interests;

  • assistance to the college management in solving educational and scientific tasks, organizing leisure and everyday life of students, promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Isabekova Ansagan Zhanazhylovna
Deputy of the Law and Order faction of the Parliament Zhiger

4th year student of the BM-9-20
Purpose: to explain to students the vital necessity of legal education. To explain that legal education and energy are of great importance in society, to educate legal literacy, to teach free expression of one's thoughts. The development of students' legal knowledge of political thinking.

  • mastering students' knowledge of the state and law;

  • formation of a sense of respect for the state and the laws;

  • formation of students' behavior and behavior in accordance with the requirements of the law, moral education;

  • Our society should be humanistic and serve the people. Thus, the task of legal education is the formation of civic engagement of younger schoolchildren, the fight against violation of the law;

  • participation in various social and legal works.

Sharip Damira Meiramovna
Deputy of the Information faction of the Parliament Zhiger

4th year student of the BM-9-20
Purpose: To publish the work of the student parliament "Zhiger" on social networks and on pages.

  • Shooting videos;

  • Take photos;

  • Mounting ;

  • Writing information;

  • Filtering of materials posted on social networks

Turabai Nur Hasenuly
Deputy of the Sports and Healthy lifestyle faction

4th year student of the DT-9-20
Purpose:To strengthen students' attitude to sports. Strengthening students' attitude to sports.

  • Encouraging students to play sports;

  • Organization of students' participation in university-wide sports events;

  • Pay more attention to a healthy lifestyle in our city.

  • Organization of students' free time for sports sections.

  • Organization of competitions.

Kartaeva Perizat Talgatovna
Deputy of the faction "Self-knowledge and happiness" of the student parliament Zhiger.

4th year student of the group Ota-9-20
Purpose: Promoting the acquisition of common moral qualities by students.

  • Fostering feelings for the Motherland, work, the general environment, and one's own personality;

  • Development and development, instilling the qualities of virtue and common sense;

  • The development of students' worldview, the ability to think comprehensively, horizons, learn a lot, listen to each other, express their thoughts freely;

  • It teaches you to feel a duty to the Motherland, to firmly maintain honesty and moral positions.

Daribai Gaukhar Omirzhanova
Deputy of the Kamkorlyk faction of the Zhiger Student Parliament

2nd year student of the BM-9-22
Purpose: To explain the importance of caring, to glorify and teach everyone to lend a helping hand, to understand the benefits of caring for others, to explain that caring is a good and good thing.

  • To encourage students to be kind and inventive;

  • Helping the elderly and those who need help;

  • A call for youth to take care.

Khaliulla Akzere Nurlanovna
Deputy of the Culture and Art faction

4th year student of the BM-9-20
Purpose: to develop students' civic engagement, social competence, skills of civic responsibility, to educate a highly cultured citizen capable of social creativity and able to act in the interests of improving his personality, society and the state.
Responsibilities: To involve each student in the social life of the educational organization.

Agzamova Darya Samatovna
Deputy of the "Debate Movement" faction

4th year student of the KTA-9-20
Purpose: To promote the acquisition of common moral qualities by students.

  • Fostering a sense of homeland, work, the environment and one's own personality;

  • Development and development, instilling the qualities of virtue and common sense;

  • The development of students' worldview, the ability to think comprehensively, horizons, learn a lot, listen to each other, express their thoughts freely;

  • To teach to feel duty to the Motherland

Akatova Akkerbez Sakenovna.
Deputy of the Ecology and Labor faction of the Zhiger Student Parliament

4th year student of the OTA-9-20
Purpose: To educate students in the behavior of the need to comply with environmental norms and rules, to prevent irresponsible concern for the environment.

  • Formation of ecological culture among young people:

  • In human behavior; - protection, care and improvement of the surrounding nature through socially useful work and labor education;

  • Popularization of environmental knowledge;