Teaching methods

The winner of the 1st place in the regional championship is a student of the MD-9-12 group of the Saransk Humanitarian and Technical College
Zhansaya Toktasynovtar.
Head: Idrisova M. A.

    The main goal of the championship is to raise the level and status of working and technical specialties, attract young people to this field with special attention to vocational education. Also, the training of competitive specialists in the labor market, the preparation of regional staff for participation in the national WorldSkills championship

Madina Shapenova, a student of the MD-9-15 group of the Saransk Humanitarian and Technical College, took 1st place in the regional championship.
Head: Idrisova M. A.

The 1st place in the regional championship was taken by a student of the MD-9-16 group of the Saransk Humanitarian and Technical College Borankulova Madina.
Head: Tolegenova I. K.

The winner of the 2nd place in the regional championship "WorldSkills Karaganda 2020" is a student of the MD-9-18 group of the Saransk Higher Humanitarian and Technical College Sabyrova Kazyna 
Head: A. T. Baimbetova.

    Participant of the WorldSkills 2021 national championship in the competence of "Preschool education" student of the MD-9-18 group 
Sabyrova Kazyna.
Expert compatriot: Fedulova V. P.
Chief expert of the National Championship: Idrisova MA    

The winner of the 2nd place in the regional championship "WorldSkills Karaganda 2023" is a student of the MD-9-21 group of the Saransk Higher College of Humanities and Technology Amirgaly Aisulu
Head: A. T. Baimbetova.