History of the physical education department

In 2008, the Saran Higher Humanitarian and Technical College named after Abai Kunanbayev, one of the youngest departments of education with a 100-year history, for the first time opened a group for training specialists in physical culture in the state language.
    In 2012, a separate department "Physical culture and Sports" was opened for students in this specialty. There were 6 groups of 131 students in the department. Akku Kusainovna Muftalova, a college graduate in 2004, who was awarded the title of "The best teacher of the Kazakh language and literature" in 2009, was appointed head of the department. Akku Kusainovna served as head of the department from 2012 to 2021.
    Currently, starting from the 2021 academic year, Kuanysh Sattarovich Rymbekov has been appointed head of the Department of Physical Culture.

Teaching staff 2021

Graduates of the department work worthily in their specialties in all corners of the region. Specialty 0103000 – "Physical culture and sports", qualification 0103023 – "teacher of physical culture" is the basis of the education system and students of the specialty are assigned the tasks of educating a cultured, educated, active personality in the field of physical culture and sports.

Our college is in great demand in the educational arena. Since the 2019-2020 academic year, groups with the Russian language of instruction have been opened at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports.
      In the 2021-2022 academic year, groups in the state and Russian languages for the qualification "5ab01140201 - "Applied Bachelor of Physical Culture" were opened. 
      There are 12 groups studying at the department: six groups with the state language of instruction, six groups with the Russian language of instruction. There are 209 students studying at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports.

In the 2021-2022 academic year, at the regional spatrakiad among college teachers, men's and women's volleyball teams took first places, winning participation in the Championship of Kazakhstan, which was held in Turkestan, where they took the 3rd team place.

The men's college volleyball team took 3rd place at the republican tournament in Ust-Kamenogorsk, East Kazakhstan region.

In football, college students in the 2020-2021, 2021-2022 academic year took 1st place in regional competitions. In the same year, we received permits for the Championship of Kazakhstan, in Almaty. The leaders of this team are Murat D. and Baimoldin A. O.

According to Kazakh kuresi, students under the guidance of Mongolia Zh. they became multiple winners of regional competitions.