The purpose of Parliament



    The purpose of the Parliament is to create conditions for successful socialization and effective self-realization of young people, opportunities for students to independently solve emerging problems, as well as assistance in the diverse development of youth of the SVGTC.Abai Kunanbayev, in the formation of his spiritual, cultural, educational and professional education, support for student initiatives;





  1. realization of creative activity and amateur activity of students;

  2. assistance in protecting the rights and interests of students, including in solving educational, social and other issues affecting their interests;

  3. assistance to the college management in solving educational and scientific tasks, organizing leisure and everyday life of students, promoting a healthy lifestyle;

  4. assistance and organization in the activities carried out within the framework of the educational and educational process;

  5. carrying out work aimed at a patriotic attitude to the spirit and traditions of the SVGTC.Abaya Kunanbayeva, increasing the consciousness of students and their demands on the level of their knowledge, fostering respect for property;

  6. informing students about the activities of the college;

  7. participation in the formation of public opinion about youth as a real force and strategic resource for the development of Kazakhstani society;

  8. assistance in the implementation of socially significant youth initiatives.

  9. joint study and solution of student problems

  10. creation and support of conditions for the diverse development of students as socially active citizens of the state.

  11. cooperation with national and international youth organizations and movements;

  12. creation of a unified student organization in the region, uniting the interests of college youth.

  13. creation and support of conditions for the diverse development of students as socially active citizens of the state.

  14. at the SVGTC named after The activities of the Parliament are aimed at solving other tasks, determined taking into account the specifics of the specialties, the region and the internal regulations of the college.


Основные принципы  парламента


1  Членом областного студенческого парламента «Жігер» может стать студент СВГТК имени Абая Кунанбаева;

2 Равенство всех членов парламента, независимо от возраста, вероисповедания, физических особенностей, социального и материального положения и т.д.

3 Свобода выбора состава и руководителей коллегиально-совещательных органов посредством открытых выборов и голосования;

4 Член парламента в своей деятельности руководствуется такими принципами, как ответственность, дисциплина, порядочность, грамотность.

Operating mode:











Lunch: 13:00-14:00