Saran Higher College of Humanities and Technology named after Abai Kunanbayev


    In 1922, on the basis of a proposal from the People's Commissariat of Education of the Republic and the government of the Kazakh ASSR, in order to solve the problem of improving the literacy of the local population, the Semipalatinsk Provincial Department of Public Education for the socio-political education of workers opened a teachers' district pedagogical college within one Kazakh group in the current city of Karkaralinsk. Now it is the Saransk Higher Humanitarian and Technical College named after Abai Kunanbayev, which has a century-old history.

    In 2021, the educational institution received the status of a "Higher College". On July 22, 2022, by the decision of the state attestation commission, all specialties were certified for an excellent grade.
    Graduates of the college in previous years are Martbek Mamyraev and Kazbek Nurzhanov, who were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union "For Bravery" in the Great Patriotic War.     Also, the future doctor of Philology A. Bolganbayev, academician Sh. Chokin, former Deputy Minister of Education A. Kanafin, holder of the badge "Excellent Student of Education of the USSR and the Kazakh SSR", Honored Teacher of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of the award of Akim of the Karaganda region in the nomination "For contribution to the development of education", Honorary citizen of Saran Abikenov K. graduated from the pedagogical college. A., who has worked as a teacher for 40 years, director of this educational institution for 20 years.    

Ibraeva H.A.

    Currently, the department, which laid the foundation of the pedagogical college, is proud of its modern appearance. Due to the expansion of the school department, which existed until 1990, a new department was formed - the Kazakh department.
    Since then and until 2013, the Kazakh department was headed by an excellent student of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ibraeva Khorlan Amirzhanovna.

    Currently, the Kazakh department is headed by a graduate of our college, the owner of the badge "Honorary Worker of Education", the award of the akim of the region "The best teacher of special disciplines" Kunedilova Akmaral Darigulovna. There are about 40 teachers in the student department.

Kunedilova A.D.

    Veteran teachers who taught in Kazakh groups and gave high-quality knowledge and professional education to our graduates: Abikenov K.A., Omiralina K.Zh., Kozhukhova S.K., Zhumabekova G.G., Zharkimbayev G.K., Turganbayeva Sh.A., Kemelova S.B., Khasenova N.H., Beisenbekova K.B., Ibraeva H.A., Zhapanbayeva N.M., Omasheva K.M., Bazarbayev Zh.K., Zhusupbekova G.Zh., Mametkulova Z.B., Takhirova G.H.,Abdrakhmanova A.M., Kozhukhova R.A., Kargina A.B.

    The department was replenished with young specialists, teachers who ensure that students receive high-quality education: Abzhatov G.H., Kasimova B.S., Gabdullina K. M., Kulpeisova N.E., Zhakupova G.I., Baymoldina A.S., Kulenbayeva A.I., Zeynetollina U.K., Rakhimbayeva A.S., Amanbekova N.A., Baimbetova A.T., Tugelbaeva S.M., Tungushbekova A.A., Alimzhanova N.S., Dauletkerei B., Boldyreva T.A., Galeeva G.R., Totaeva A.T.

    Students educated at the college, Khairullin I.M., Ybysheva S.Zh., Makhametchin E.D., Deneeva A.R., Abeugalieva A.A., Tolegenova I.K., Koranova A.M., Kopisheva A.D., Kusainova Zh.K., Mazhenova S.S., Kenzhegalikyzy P., Sadyhanova S.K., Baykhadamov A.A., Manash A.E., Baimoldin A.O., Sutemgenova N.T., Kaupenova A.A. and others are yesterday's graduates of our department, today they are college teachers

    Graduates of the Kazakh department Muftalova A.K. – Deputy director for academic affairs, Makhametchin E.D. - Deputy director for educational and industrial work.
    In the educational process, the department's teachers use modern teaching technologies and demonstrate advanced lessons at the regional level.

Holders of the badge "Excellent student of education" and diplomas

Kasimova B.S., Rakhimbayeva A.S., Zhakupova G.I., Koishimanov A.B., Baymoldina A.S., Kulenbayeva A.I., Kalieva G.G

    In 2017, the encyclopedia of teachers who contributed to the education system of the region, "Kagandy oblysyn ulagatty ustazdary – The best teachers of the Karaganda region", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, included teachers of the Kazakh department: Abikenov K.A., Ibraeva H.A., Kunedilova A.D., Baimoldina A.S.
In 2018, within the framework of the collection of the city of Sarani "100 success stories" includes teachers of the department Kunedilova A.D., Muftalova A.K., Baymoldina A.S., Zhayubaev Zh.K., Zeynetollina U.K., Idrisova M.A., Koranova A.M., Makhametchin E.D.
    In 2021, teachers Kulpeisova N.E., Kasimova B.S., Kulenbayeva A.I. entered the large international encyclopedia "The best people in the field of education".

    The Kazakh department employs teachers of the highest and first category, research teachers, expert teachers, moderator teachers and teachers with master's degrees, such as Alimzhanova N.S., Galeeva G.R., Tolegenova I.K., Koranova A.M., Kusainova Zh.K.
    In order to exchange experience, the teachers of the department went for an internship to foreign universities: Koranova A.M. Alexandra Cuza University, Romania, Yerkin N. Karlov University, Czech Republic, Musina S.A. in Prague, Czech Republic, Abeugalieva A.A. HAME University of Applied Science, Valkeakoski, Finland, Kusainova J.K. University of Glasgow, Great Britain.

Abugalieva A.A.
HAME University of Applied Science, Valkeakoski, Finland

Kusainova J.K.
University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

    The Kazakh department has regional competence centers in the specialties "Primary education", "Preschool education and training", equipped with the necessary educational and material base that meets modern requirements.
    In the period from 2019 to 2021, the teachers of the department Zeynetollina U.K., Idrisova M.A. were the main experts of the national championship "WorldSkills Kazakhstan" in the competencies "Primary education" and "Preschool education and training"
    College students take part in city, regional, national, and international competitions and take prizes.
    Students of the department have been winners of the WorldSkills Kazakhstan championship in different years: 1st place in the regional championship "WorldSkills Kazakhstan Karaganda-2016" in the competence "Preschool education and training", the medal "Best specialist" in the national championship "WorldSkills Kazakhstan Karaganda-2019", 1st place in the regional championship "WorldSkills Kazakhstan Karaganda-2020", 1st place in the regional championship "WorldSkills Kazakhstan Karaganda-2022".

    The Kazakh department carries out the training of teaching staff in 6 specialties:

  • 01140100 "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education"

  • 01120100 "Preschool education and training"

  • 01140700 "Informatics"

  • 01140600 "Pedagogy and methodology of teaching language and literature of basic secondary education"

  • 4S01140601 – Teacher of Kazakh language and literature

  • 4S01140602 – Teacher of Russian language and literature

    In 2019, the department opened the specialty 5AB01140101 "Applied Bachelor of Pedagogy and methods of primary education", and from 2021 - 5AB0110501 "Applied Bachelor of Kazakh language and literature of primary secondary school".

Group BK-11-19 are the first graduates of the specialty
"Applied Bachelor of Pedagogy and methods
of primary education"

    In 2022, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Saransk Higher Humanitarian and Technical College named after Abai Kunanbayev, Deputy Director for academic affairs, teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Muftalova A. K., teacher of pedagogy and psychology Zeynetollina U.K., for special merits in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, were awarded the badges "Honorary Worker of Education", E.D. Makhametchin, A.S. Baimoldina, N.A. Amanbekova were awarded Honorary diplomas of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, B.S. Kasimov, K.M. Gabdullina, A.I. Kulenbayeva, A.S. Rakhimbayeva was awarded letters of thanks from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Muftalova Akku Kusainovna is the owner of the badges
"The best author" and "Excellent student of education"

Zeynetullina Umit Kobestaevna
winner of the republican contest "A great teacher is a talented student"

In January 2023, Tolegenova I.K., a teacher of pedagogy and psychology, won the second place in the regional competition of professional skills among teachers of organizations of technical and professional, post-secondary education in the pedagogical field

The teacher of the Kazakh language and literature A. R. Deneeva took the second place in the regional competition "The best teacher of the Kazakh language and literature" among teachers of organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, held in January 2023 on the basis of the Karaganda Higher Humanitarian College.

The 2023-2024 academic year began with a new change: Temirbulatova Alma Askhatovna was appointed head of the Saransk Higher Humanitarian and Technical College named after Abai Kunanbayev. 
    In November 2023, the team of Saransk Higher Humanitarian and Technical College named after Abai Kunanbayev took part in the exhibition of youth business projects "ENACTUS KAZAKHSTAN BUSINESS COLLABORATION FORUM-2023" in Almaty, and was awarded a letter of thanks for the successful defense of the project.